Transcription & Digital Audio Reproduction Specialist
Office: 01787 829903 - Mobile: 07910 966441
I offer a free one hour no obligation consultation to new clients.
Specialist in digital audio reproduction providing a reliable and professional service to Surveyors, Loss Adjusters and insurance professionals in addition to a full transcription service across a wide range of business sectors.
Why me for Surveyor or Insurance industry professional support?
With a proven work history working with Chartered Surveyors and in all areas of the insurance industry, I have well rooted foundations to understand the language and nature of your business.
Why me for Transcription services?
It is common for virtual assistants or transcription businesses to have a ‘pool’ of third party freelance people that projects get passed on to. Much of the work passed on can be of a very sensitive nature and 'you', the client, have no knowledge or background information at all about the person your sensitive material is being passed onto. As I work independently on your projects from beginning to end, you can feel comfortable knowing who is handling your projects with no third-party involvement.