Transcription & Digital Audio Reproduction Specialist
Office: 01787 829903 - Mobile: 07910 966441
I offer a free one hour no obligation consultation to new clients.
Intelligent Verbatim
The spoken word is 'cleaned up' so it's easy to read in hard copy. It excludes false starts where the speaker changes direction in dialogue, stuttered sentences, pauses, 'um's and err's and filler words such as 'you know', 'like', 'okay' and 'mmm hmm' are all excluded.
Intelligent verbatim is the most common style used for focus groups and one to one interviews. It includes all the context and details of the original dialogue without any unnecessary language or background noise.
Full Verbatim
Every word and sound are recorded including any false starts, stuttered sentences, ums and errs, filler words and pauses. Background noise is also recorded. All dialogue is recorded even where it may be grammatically incorrect. Nothing is changed.
Full verbatim style of transcription is often used for legal documents, investigation and police interviews or disciplinaries.
Every word is transcribed excluding any um's or err's, laughs and pauses. Prompts by the facilitator or interviewer are excluded. Filler words such as 'you know, 'like', 'okay' are retained even if the dialogue is grammatically incorrect. No speech is changed.
This style of transcription is recommended if you require accurate quotation without unnecessary interruption.
Audio video
Creating a text reproduction of the spoken words together with the video captions/scene details. Usually this will need to have timecode added throughout in order to identify specifically where scenes change.
This style of transcription is often used for program or performance scripts and clips.