Transcription & Digital Audio Reproduction Specialist
Office: 01787 829903 - Mobile: 07910 966441
I offer a free one hour no obligation consultation to new clients.
Digital audio & transcription
The length of time taken to transcribe a project can vary depending of many factors. Quality of audio, clarity and number of speaker voices, timecoding intervals, the intended use of the transcript and turnaround time. 10-15 minutes of speech can take an hour to transcribe and if the transcript needs to be timecoded it can take up to three times longer.
All transcription is charged by the audio minute, so you know exactly how much your project will cost prior to work commencing however, due to the variations it is difficult to publish accurate rates so please contact me to discuss your specific requirement, so I can provide an accurate rate for you.
Recordings can be transcribed into your own template or on of my own standard templates and returned via email.
All digital recordings are securely deleted from the system once a project has been completed. Hard copy or paper documents are shredded or returned to you, the choice is yours!